Half GSoC reached

20 July 2020

Hi everyone, this is Piyush and I am here with the 4th iteration of my series of blogs depicting my journey in the GSOC program. If you haven’t read my previous blogs, you can do so here and keep up.

According to GSoC timeline, the project have reached half-way to its completion. This is going to be a descriptive blog, depicting the goals proposed and goals achieved till half-GSoC period. This will help me keep my progress in check.

I am currently in pace with the proposed timeline in the GSoC proposal. I have completed extending the methods from xr.Dataset. Some methods are customised and some are extended using a wrapper, as discussed in previous blog post. Next work includes implementing custom methods for InferenceData objects.

During this whole time, the mentors were very helpful and cleared all my doubts on channel or on the PR itself. They regularly reviewed my work and suggested changes. This motivated me to remain focussed on my work. The phase I of coding period is almost over and am enjoying my work. Peace out.